Chesham Cricket Club News story


19 May 2016

Dear Member,

It is great too see so many people have paid their annual subscription, but if you have not as yet done so please could you do so! Cash is always a challenge for the club and getting the subscriptions all paid up is a massive help!

If you do pay by bank transfer please do make it clear who you are paying for!

Details are set out below:Annual Subscriptions 2016

Senior £105
Students Concessions £55
Juniors U10-17 £85
Juniors U6-U9 £70
Women & Girls £85
Family £200
Social £30

Please pay promptly - These can be by cheque payable to Chesham Cricket Club and handed to John or Graham or behind the bar.

Bank transfers to 

Sort Code 30 91 91 
Account 00037748

Thank you