Chesham Cricket Club News story

Proposals for Rule Changes in Thames Valley league

15 Nov 2016

Dear Player,

There are a number of rule changes proposed by the TVL this year which need to be voted upon at the AGM on Thursday. I will not detail all of them as there are lots but the important ones are:

  1. Division 2 to move to a win/lose format for 50% of the games

2. A restriction in Win/Lose matches to a maximum of 15 overs per bowler.

3. Separate votes for Win/Lose cricket in:

  • Div 3 and 4
  • Div 5 and 6
  • Div 7,8 and 9

If any interested player could please let me have their vote on these that would be very helpful so I can attend the AGM representing the view of the club.

The other proposals are all attached and if anyone has any strong views let me know otherwise I will support the roposals made by the committee which generally seem sensible to me.

Kind regards,
