Chesham Cricket Club News story

Winter training/nets for juniors

04 Jan 2017

Hi all,

Reminder that the winter training/nets sessions start on Fri/Sat/Mon for the juniors

There are still a couple of places left in each of the sessions. If there are any other juniors that wish to join in please let me know.

Payments: There are still some outstanding payments, please ensure you bring payment in full to your first session at the latest.

Fri 6th Jan: 7pm to 8.30pm - u10 + u11

Fri 6th Jan: 8.30pm to 10pm - u14 + u15

Sat 7th Jan: 6pm to 7pm - u8 + u9

Mon 9th Jan: 7pm to 8.30pm - u12 + u13

Mon 9th Jan: 8.30pm to 10pm - u16 + u17+u18 - joined by rest of adults after half term.

