Chesham Cricket Club News story

AGM Friday 31 March, Cricketforce Chartridge Saturday 1 April and Chesham Saturday 8 April

28 Mar 2017

Ladies and Gents,

A couple of dates for your diaries and a reminder that the season is now approaching fast!

1. AGM - this will be held in the pavilion at 8pm on Friday 31st March. Please come along if you can - the bar will be open!

2. Cricket Force - Saturday 1st April 10 o clock at CHARTRIDGE. The more people turn up the quicker we can get through! The main agenda will be to clear the ground outside of the boundary of the undergrowth to prevent lost balls so please bring any equipment you have available.

3. Saturday 8th April 10 o clock CHESHAM

All players, Junior Parents and older Juniors are welcome to turn up and help on either 1st April or 8th April - there will be a list of jobs!

Kind regards,
