Chesham Cricket Club News story

Chesham Groundforce Day Saturday 8th April

05 Apr 2017

Dear Member,

A reminder its groundforce day at Chesham

  1. Decking needs washing down and treating with non-slip preservative (Requires buying)
  2. Fence needs cleaning.
  3. Net posts and netting lifting out of container carrying to net area
  4. Covers need attaching
  5. Big screens dropping to attach material (Craig to supply ties)
  6. Far screens need washing down (Buckets, sponges, steps required)
  7. Advertising sheets need washing
  8. Far fence requires painting (Wood preservative required, with brushes)
  9. New man hole cover needed below Clubhouse
  10. Seats need sanding and treating both around ground and by pavilion.
  11. Boundary rope needs lift to the 4 points
  12. Boundary fence needs fixing

13. Scorebox needs checking.

Do try and come along if you can! The more that are there the quicker we will be done.

Many thanks,
