Hi all
Firstly welcome to the World Cup Cricket 2019 season. Some dates for your diary are below.
Club open evening/junior registration evening: Friday 3rd May, from 6pm onwards
Featuring: 50/50 kit stall, Chiltern Sports (our club kit supplier), the bar plus entertainment on the field by the u10-u12s its hugely appreciated if as many people as possible can pay their subscriptions that evening to try and reduce our workload.
We are looking to increase the number of juniors playing cricket this summer so please spread the word and invite interested players/parents along on 3rd May to see what its all about.
Prices are being held at 2018 levels. Prices are on the web site.
Summer season training
u13-u15s from Thurs Apr 25th, 6.30pm-8.15pm
u10-u12s from Fri Apr 26th, 6.30pm-8.15pm
u5-u9s from Sun 28th Apr, 10.30am-12.15pm
Womens softball from Sun 28th Apr, 10.45am-12pm
(Womens team training, Mondays, Mens team training Tues + Wed)
Junior Matches
The current junior match schedule (subject to a few changes still) is on the web site... Team managers will contact players nearer the match dates.