Lots of jobs for the weekend as below so please could 3rd and 4th team players attend Chartridge and 1st and 2nd team guys Chesham to help.
At Chartridge we want to cut back as much of the long grass alongside the field as possible so balls don't get lost so if you can bring a strimmer please do so!
Equally the inside of the Chartridge will doubtless need a clean so please bring cleaning materials if you fancy an inside job
Chesham -
- Screens need the materials attaching and cleaning
- Other screens need pushing round to the pavilion to be jet washed. New tap fits a jet wash. Somebody could bring one.
- Covers need attaching
- Rolling the square
- Fences cleaning and mending. I have organised for the far fence to be painted white!
- Rubbish clearing up from all around the ground - Possible skip
- Boundary rope needs pulling out (In score box) and locating around the ground in 4 corners.
- Check we have fielding discs (25)
- Boundary flags for colts
- Stumps / bails
- Sawdust
Nets -to be put up under John Holloway's expert guidance!
Bottom container needs emptying so i can re organise (JR can you bring down more shelving?)
Changing rooms need tidying up - Ideally I'd like a set of shelves in the home one as you enter (JR has some). I will then make sure we have a straight edge, paint, brush and discs etc. That way we look organised and players / managers now where stuff is.
Score board needs checking and cleaning out (Lee is responsible)
- I need a few bags of loam transporting up to Chartridge as the ends have dropped and need over seeding etc
- Screens need the materials ordering and purchasing.
- Old screen slats need throwing away
- Rolling the square - (Wahid has made sure it starts)
- Fence checking and rubbish removing from the surrounds, short side.
- Rubbish clearing up from all around the ground.
- Boundary flags have we got enough?.
- Check we have ordered fielding discs (25). Apparently these need putting out for 3rds.
- Boundary flags for colts
- Stumps / bails / Scoreboard and numbers checking.
- Sawdust
Clubhouse will need a lot of cleaning I guess not been around to check or been near.