Hi all
Apparently it will soon be summer (I did see the sun yesterday a couple of times) so some dates for your diaries.
FRIDAY 1st MAY 2020, 6pm onwards, Junior registration evening.
As previous years we ask as many people as possible to come along to the registration evening + pay the summer subscriptions.
- Chesham Club kit supplier will be on site
- 2nd hand kit stall be running again this year
- Bar will be open. Jayne promises me the credit card machine will work!
- As many of the team managers + others that help in the club that can make the evening will be there to answer your queries
Junior training start dates:
u13-u15s: Thurs 23rd April, 6.30pm-8.15pm. (Finish closer to 8pm early season). Any of the u14s/u15s and above that want to start playing mens team cricket are welcome to attend the Tues evening mens sessions.
u10-u12s: Fri 24th April, 6.30pm-8.15pm. (Finish closer to 8pm early season). Training is also on Fri 1st May.
u5-u9s: Sunday 26th April, 10.30pm-12.15pm.
Girls group
Any of the girls that want to play in either the softball (mostly u11s) or hardball (mostly u13s) teams will have club training sessions and some joint sessions with the 2 other clubs in the Chiltern Girls cluster.
Chesham club training sessions will be on Friday evenings 6.30pm-8.15pm from 24th Apr. Some of these will become 'home' joint sessions. There will be some 'away' joint sessions, dates/times still TBD. (Fri 1st May will be a home club only training session)
If you are really keen quite a few are now on the web site. Please NOTE we do not have all the team fixtures, e.g. no girls, u9s, u17s, and some dates are not known yet (largely the ones on 1st April !)