Chesham Cricket Club News story

Chairman's update

13 May 2020

Chesham Cricket Club Lockdown Diaries #2

 Last Saturday’s glorious sunshine should have brought with it the start of the league season. While this did not happen, all is not lost as the 1st XI won their virtual match against Great Brickhill. The occasion was also marked by a very successful Zoom quiz – a big thank you to Umar for organising this and congratulations to Brendan and family who won the quiz.

While the government guidance has changed slightly to allow sports to be played with members of your own household, the Cricket Club remains CLOSED until further notice. We understand you are all itching to play cricket and get in some net practice, but we cannot guarantee social distancing at the Club so it must remain off limits to all.

When we are able to return, you will find the ground in great condition. The grounds staff are working hard, according to guidelines, to make sure it is in the best possible shape.

Additionally, we are making the most of the pavilion being empty to move ahead with redecorating, which is taking shape nicely and will be ready for us all to enjoy when we can meet again.

We still remain optimistic that there will be some cricket this season and are keeping the ground ready so that we can get started as soon as we are given the green light to do so. 

But in the meantime, watch out for more digital events. We are currently asking for your videos of your best trick shots, so get practising!

Jonathan Royals
12th May 2020