Chesham Cricket Club News story


26 Apr 2021


Thanks to those who have marked up your Saturday Senior Team availability.

This Saturday (1st May) we have 4 sides playing and next Saturday and for the following 18 weeks of the League season we have 5 sides playing. 

So please do mark up your availability NOW for as many weeks forward as you are able as the Captains and myself need to ensure we have full sides out every week.

It is very simple - log on the the website, click onto the down arrow next to your name, select availability and mark yes or no!

If you have forgotten your password and can't sign in please just click on forgotten password and you will be sent a new one!

With so many teams to coordinate it really does help us if you do this and is also good to know in advance so we know whether we need to chase some of our occasional players or not!

Thanks for your help

