Please note subscriptions are due! Most juniors have paid so if you are a Junior playing senior cricket
and have paid please ignore this, or indeed if you are a senior member who has either paid or is a club
patron then no subs are due.
For all other senior members please pay the subscriptions as shown below:
Subscriptions for summer 2023.
Senior £160
Students £100 (mid June onwards - ie returning after non local Uni finishes mid June)
Juniors u10-u17 £130
Juniors u5-u9 £100
Women & Girls £130
2 players, save 10% on the total individual cost. (Same household.)
3+ players, save 20%.
Social £50
Bank transfers to
Chesham Cricket Club
Sort Code 30 91 91
Account 00037748
John, Paul, Jonathan, Helen, Lee, Alex, Chris, Brendan, Terry...