Chesham Cricket Club News story

Volunteer Wanted!

25 Apr 2014

Dear All,

You will have seen my previous email chasing subs, which will hopefully elicit a good response!

However, we do really need a person whose sole role is to ensure:

All member of the club are registered!

All registered members are paid up!

For every 10 senior members who do not pay we lose £1000 and for 10 juniors £800 so with a large membership such as ours the amount of money potentially not collected can be very large if we do not really work at collecting this. Moreover, this year we need the money NOW as we have to complete various things in the pavilion.

So if you have always fancied collecting money, you could do a great job for your club by coordinating all of this. If you want to help please speak with Paul Hughes-D'Aeth or Graham Rance and we can tell you what it involves!

Many thanks,
